The Greenwich
University Act, 1997
ACT I OF 1998
An Act to provide for the
establishment of Greenwich University at Karachi
[Gazette of Sindh, Extraordinary,
Part IV, 3rd February, 1998 ]
No. PAS/Legis.B-22/97, dated 3-2-1998.--The Greenwich
University Bill, 1997 having been passed by the Provincial Assembly of Sindh on
14th January, 1998 and assented to by the Governor of Sindh on 24th January,
1998 is hereby published as an Act of the Legislature of Sindh.
Preamble.--Whereas it is expedient to provide for the
establishment of Greenwich University at Karachi
and for matters ancillary thereto;
It is hereby enacted as follows;
1. Short title and commencement.--(1) This Act may be called
the Greenwich University Act, 1997.
(2) It shall come into force at one.
2. Definitions.--In this Act, unless there is anything
repugnant in the subject or context,---
(i) “Academic Council” means the Academic Council of the
(ii) “Authority” means an Authority of the University
specified in section 11;
(iii) “Board” means the Board of Governors of the
(iv) “Chancellor” means the Chancellor of the University;
(v) “Dean” means the Head of a Faculty;
(vi) “Director” means the Head of an Institute;
(vii) “Faculty” means a Faculty of the University;
(viii) “Government” means the Government of Sindh;
(ix) “Institute” means an institute maintained and
administered by the University;
(x) “Prescribed” means prescribed by Statutes, Regulations
or Rules;
(xi) “Professor Emeritus” means a retired Professor working
in the University in an honorary capacity;
(xii) “Society” means the Greenwich Education Society
registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860;
(xiii) “Statutes, Regulations and Rules” means respectively
the Statutes, Regulations and Rules made under this Act;
(xiv) “University” means the Greenwich
University ; and
(xv) “Vice-Chancellor” means the Vice-Chancellor of the
3. Establishment and incorporation of the University.-- (1)
There shall be established a University to be called the Greenwich University
consisting of the Patron, the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the Deans, the
Chairman of the Teaching Departments and Members of the Board, the Members of
the Academic Council and such other Officers as may be prescribed.
(2) The University shall be a body corporate by the name of
Greenwich University having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power,
among others to acquire, hold and dispose of any property vesting in it and
shall by the said name, sue and be sued.
4. University open to all.--The University shall be open to
all persons of either sex of whatever religion, race, creed, colour or domicile
who are academically qualified .for admission to the courses of study offered
by tae University and no such person shall be denied the privilege on the
ground only of sex, religion, creed, race, class, colour or domicile.
5. Powers and Functions of the University. ---The University
shall be an autonomous body and shall have the powers,---
(i) to . provide for instructions in such branches of
learning as. it may deem fit and to make provisions for the advancement and
dissemination of knowledge in such manner as it may determine;
(ii) to admit and examine students and to confer or award
degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions on and to the
persons have passed its examinations under prescribed conditions;
(iii) to affiliate itself or associate with other
institutions and establish Faculties and the Teaching Departments to discharge
its functions and responsibilities for the betterment of education;
(iv) to confer honorary degrees or other distinctions on
approved persons in the manner prescribed;
(v) to prescribe courses of studies and undertake research
as it may determine;
(vi) to provide and support other facilities for education,
professional training and research;
(vii) to affiliate and disaffiliate educational institutions
in and outside Pakistan and inspect such institutions or associate itself with
other selected educational training and research institutions provide them with
services and facilities for the effective discharge of their functions and
responsibilities and determine teaching methodology, techniques and strategies
in order to ensure the most effective educational training and research
(viii) to receive and manage property, grants, bequests,
trusts, gifts, donations, endowments and other contributions made to the
University and to invest them in such manner as it may deem fit;
(ix) to enter into agreements, contracts and arrangements
with Government organizations, institutions, bodies and individuals for
carrying out its functions and activities;
(x) to demand and receive such fees and other charges as it
may determine;
(xi) to appoint members of the various bodies and committees
as the Board may determine for instructional and c6-curricular activities and
admit students of the University and its constituent units;
(xii) to appoint such officers including teachers and
members of the staff and prescribe terms and conditions, powers and duties of
such officers and staff;
(xiii) to do all such other acts and things as may be
requisite to further its objectives.
6. Officers of the University.--The following shall be the
officers of the University,---
(i) The Patron;
(ii) the Chancellor;
(iii) the Vice-Chancellor;
(iv) the Deans;
(v) the Directors;
(vi) the Chairmen of Teaching Departments;
(vii) the Registrar; and
(viii) such other persons as may be prescribed to be. the
officers of the University.
7 The Patron.--(1) The Governor shall be the patron of the
8. The Chancellor.--(1) The Chancellor shall be a person of
eminence, known for his contributions in the field of knowledge or service; to
society and appreciated for his high moral and intellectual calibre: Provided
that Dr. Akmal Ahmed Khan of the Society shall be the first life-Chancellor of
the University.
(2) Subject to subsection (1), the President of the society
shall be the Chancellor of the University.
(3) The Chancellor shall, when present, preside at the
convocations of the University.
(4) Every proposal to confer an honorary degree shall be
subject to confirmation by the Chancellor.
(5) If the Chancellor is satisfied that the proceedings of
any Authority or orders of any officer are not in accordance with the
provisions of this Act, the Statutes, the Regulations, or the Rules, he may,
after calling upon such Authority or officer to show cause why such proceedings
should not be annulled, by order in writing, annul such proceedings or orders.
(6) Should the Chancellor be incapacitated from acting as
such due to absence or any other cause, the Vice-Chancellor shall act for him.
10. The Vice-Chancellor.--(1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be
appointed by the Chancellor, on such terms and conditions as the Chancellor may
determine and shall hold office during the pressure of the Chancellor.
(2) At any time when the office of the Vice-Chancellor is
vacant or the Vice-Chancellor is absent or is unable to perform the functions
of his office due to illness or some other cause, the Chancellor shall make
such arrangement for the performance of the duties of the Vice-Chancellor as he
may deem fit.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the principal academic and
administrative officer of the University, and shall be responsible for proper
implementation of the provisions of this Act, directions of the Chancellor,
decisions of the University and execution of the policies and programmes of the
(4) The Vice-Chancellor may, in an emergency which in his
opinion requires immediate action, take such action as he may deem necessary
and shall, thereafter as soon as possible, report his action to the officer,
authority or, other body, which in the ordinary course would deal with the matter.
(5) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of
the foregoing powers the Vice-Chancellor shall also have the following
(a) to create and fill temporary posts for a period not
exceeding six months;
(b) to sanction all expenditure provided for in the approved
budget and to re-appropriate funds within the same major head of expenditure;
(c) to sanction/re-appropriation an amount not exceeding
fifty thousand rupees for an unforeseen item not provided for in the budget and
report it to the Board at the next meeting;
(d) to appoint paper setters and examiners for all
examinations of the, University after receiving panels of names from the
relevant authorities;
(e) to make such arrangements for the scrutiny of papers,
marks and results as may be necessary;
(f) to direct teachers, officers and other employees of the
University to take up such assignments in connection with teaching, research,
examination and administration and such other activities in the University as
he may consider necessary;
(g) to delegate, subject to such conditions, if any, as may
be prescribed, any of his powers under this Act to an officer or other employee
of the University;
(h) to appoint employees of such categories in respect of
which powers have been delegated to him by the Board;
(i) to exercise and perform such other powers and functions
as may be prescribed.
11. Authorities.--The following shall be the Authorities of
the University:---
(i) The Board of Governors;
(ii) the Academic Council;
(iii) the Boards of Faculties;
(iv) the Board of Advanced Studies and Research;
(v) the Board of Studies;
(vi) the Selection Board;
(vii) the Finance and Planning Committee;
(viii) Affiliation Committee; and
(ix) such other Authorities as may be prescribed.
12. Board of Governors. ---(l) The general supervision and
control of the affairs of the University and its power to lay down policies
shall vest in the Board consisting of the following:---
(a) Vice-Chancellor;
(b) the Chief Justice of the High Court of Sindh or a Judge
of the High Court to be nominated by him;
(c) the Secretary to the Government of Sindh, Education
(d) two deans to be nominated by the Chancellor in
consultation with the Vice-Chancellor;
(e) the Chairman, University Grants Commission, or whole
time Member of the Commission to be nominated by him;
(f) the President of the Chambers of Commerce and
Industries, Karachi ;
(g) three persons of eminence to be nominated by the
Chancellor on the recommendations of the Vice-Chancellor;
(h) three persons of outstanding merit, to be nominated by
the Society;
(2) A nominated member shall hold office for a term of three
years and shall be eligible for re-nomination on the expiry of his term.
(3) The office of a nominated member shall become vacant if
he resigns or fails to attend three consecutive eetings of the Board without
sufficient cause or leave of absence or his nomination is changed by the
authority which had nominated him.
(4) A casual vacancy of a member shall be filled by a person
nominated by the authority which had nominated the member whose vacancy is to
be filled.
(5) The Vice-Chancellor shall act as the Chairman of the
(6) The Registrar shall act as the Secretary of the Board.
(7) No act or proceedings of the Board shall be invalid by
reason only of the existence of a vacancy in or a defect in constitution of the
13. Powers and Functions of the Board.---(1) In particular,
without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of subsection (1) of
section 12, the Board shall exercise and perform the powers and functions as
(a) to hold, control and administer the property, funds,
assets and resources of the University;
(b) to transfer and accept transfer of movable or immovable
property on behalf of the University;
(c) to affiliate and disaffiliate colleges or institutions;
(d) to consider and approve, on the advice of the Finance
and Planning Committee, the annual and revised budget estimates and to lay down
guidelines or rules of business dealing with financial matters;
(e) to approve, carry out, vary or cancel contracts on
behalf of the University;
(f) to initiate and approve schemes for achievement of the
objectives of the University;
(g) to create professional research and administrative posts
and such other posts as may be required to carry out the purposes of the
University suspend or abolish such posts;
(h) to appoint teachers, researchers and officers on the
recommendations of the Selection Board.
(i) to suspend, punish and remove from service the
University employees whom it is empowered to appoint in the manner prescribed
after due inquiry and defence;
(j) to propose Statutes for submission to the Chancellor;
(k) to approve Regulations or Rules on the recommendations
of the appropriate bodies; and
(l) to determine, regulate and administer all other matters
concerning the University and, to this end, exercise all necessary powers not
specifically mentioned in the Act or the Statutes, the regulation or the rules.
(2) The Board may delegate any of its powers to an Authority
or officer, or a committee or a sub-committee.
14. Meeting of the Board.--(1) The Board shall meet at least
twice in a year on the dates to be fixed by the Vice-Chancellor: Provided that
a special meeting may be called at any time on the direction of the Chancellor
or on a requisition made by not less than six members of the Board to consider
a matter of urgent nature.
(2) Not less than ten clear days’ notice of a special
meeting shall be given to the members of the Board, and the agenda of the
meeting shall be restricted to the matter for which the special meeting is
(3) The quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be one-half
of total number of its members, a fraction being counted as one.
(4) The decision of the Board shall be expressed in terms of
the views of the majority of the members present and voting and, if the members
are equally divided, the Chairman of the Board shall have and exercise a
casting vote.
15. Academic Council.--(1) The Academic Council shall
consist of,---
(a) the Vice-Chancellor, who shall be the Chairman,
(b) the Deans;
(c) the Directors;
(d) the Chairmen of the Teaching Departments;
(e) the University Professors including Professors Emeritus;
(f) the Registrar who shall be the Secretary;
(g) two eminent scholars to be nominated by the Chancellor;
(2) A nominated member shall hold office for a term of three
years and shall be eligible for renomination.
(3) The office of a nominated member shall become vacant if
he resigns or fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Council without
sufficient cause or leave of absence or his nomination is changed by the
nominating authority.
(4) The quorum for a meeting of the Council shall be
one-half of the total number of members, a fraction being counted as one.
16. Powers and duties of the Academic Council.--(1) The
Academic Council shall be the highest academic body of the University, and
shall, subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, have thepower to
lay down proper standards of instruction, research and examinations, and to
regu late and promote the academic life of the University.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of
the foregoing provisions, the Council shall have the powers,---
(a) to advise the Board on academic matters;
(b) to regulate the admission of students to the courses of
studies and examinations;
(c) to propose to the Board, schemes for the constitution
and organisation of Faculties, Teaching Departments, Institutes and Boards of
(d) to consider or formulate proposals for the planning and
development of teaching and research in the University;
(e) to make regulations on the recommendations of the Boards
of Faculties and the Boards of Studies prescribing the courses of studies and
the syllabi for all University examinations: provided that, if the
recommendations of Boards of Faculties and Boards of Studies are not received
by the prescribed date, the
Council may, subject to the approval of the Board, continue for the next year the courses of studies already prescribed for an examination;
Council may, subject to the approval of the Board, continue for the next year the courses of studies already prescribed for an examination;
(f) to recognise the examinations of other Universities of
examining bodies as equivalent to the corresponding examinations of the
(g) to frame regulations for submission to the Board;
(h) to appoint members to the various authorities in
accordance with the provisions of this Act; and
(i) to perform such other functions as may be prescribed by
17. Constitution, functions and powers of other
authorities.--The constitution, functions and powers of the Authorities for
which no specific provision or insufficient provision has been made in this Act
shall be such as may be prescribed by statutes.
18. Appointment of Committees by the Authorities.--The
Board, the Academic Council and other Authorities may appoint such Standing
Special or Advisory Committees, as they may consider advantageous in the
performance of their functions.
19. Statutes.--(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act,
Statutes may be made to regulate or prescribe all or any of the following
matters namely:---
(a) terms and conditions of service of employees of the
University, including scales of pay, constitution of pension, insurance,
gratuity, provident fund, benevolent fund and other fringe benefits;
(b) terms and conditions of contractual appointments of
teachers, researchers and officers;
(c) establishment of Faculties Teaching Departments and
other academic units and divisions;
(d) powers and duties of officers arid teachers;
(e) conditions under which the University may enter into
arrangements with other public or private organizations for purposes of
instruction, research and other scholarly activities;
(f) conditions of appointments of Professors Emeritus and
award of honorary degrees.;
(g) efficiency and discipline of the employees of the
(h) acquisition and administration of properties and
investment of the University; and
(i) all other matters which under this Act are required to
be or may be prescribed or regulated by Statutes.
(2) The draft of the Statutes shall be proposed by the Board
for approval by the Chancellor.
(3) The Chancellor shall have the powers to assent to the
Statutes submitted to him for approval or refer them back to the Board for
(4) No Statute shall be valid until it has been approved by
the Chancellor.
20. Regulation.--(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act
and the Statutes, regulations may be made for all or any of the following
matters, namely:---
(a) Schemes of studies and research, including the duration
of courses, number of subjects or papers for examination;
(b) Syllabi and courses of study and research programmes
leading to degrees, diplomas or certificates;
(c) conduct and supervision of examinations, appointment of
examiners, scrutiny, tabulation and declaration of results;
(d) determination of fees and other charges and academic
qualification for admission to various courses, examinations and hostels;
(e) Maintenance of discipline among students and schemes for
their welfare;
(f) Institution of fellowships, scholarships, prizes,
medals, honoraria and other financial assistance for students and research
(g) conduct of convocation and form of academic costumes;
(h) conditions of residence of students;
(i) use of library; and
(j) all other academic matters which by this Act or Statutes
are to be or may be prescribed by regulations.
(2) The Board shall have powers to approve the Regulations
submitted to it or refer them back to the Academic Council for reconsideration.
(3) No Regulation shall be valid until it has been approved
by the Board.
21. Rules.---(1) The Authorities and the other bodies of the
University may make rules consistent with this Act, Statutes and the
Regulations, to regulate the conduct of their business and the time and place
of meetings and related matters.
(2) The Board may make rules to regulate any matter relating
to the affairs of the University which under this Act is not specifically
required to be provided for by the Statutes or the Regulations.
22. The University Fund, Audit and Accounts.---(1) The
University shall have a fund to which shall be credited its income from fees
donations, trusts, bequests, endowments, grants, contributions and all other
(2) Capital and recurrent expenditure of the University
shall be met from the contributions made by the Society and any other source,
including other Societies, Universities and individuals, and from the income
derived from such sources.
(3) No contribution, donation or grant which may directly or
indirectly involve any immediate or subsequent financial liability for the
University, or which may involve an activity not included in the programmes for
the time being, shall be accepted without the prior approval of the Board.
(4) The accounts of the University shall be maintained in
such form and manner as may be determined by the Board and shall be audited
each year within four months of the closing of the financial year of the
University by the Chartered Accountant appointed by the Board.
(5) The accounts, together with the report of the auditor
thereon, shall be submitted to the Board for approval.
(6) The auditor’s report shall certify that the auditor has
complied with the standards of audit and certification laid down by the institute of Chartered Accountants Pakistan
23. Retirement from service.---An employee of the University
shall retire from service:---
(I) On such date, after he has completed twenty-five years
of service qualifying for pension or other retirement benefits, as the
competent Authority may direct:---
Provided that no employee shall be retired unless he has
been informed in writing of the grounds of the action proposed to be taken
against him and has been given reasonable opportunity of showing cause against
that action; or
(ii) Where no direction is given under clause (I) above on
the completion of sixty years of his age.
24. Opportunity of Show
Cause.--Except as otherwise provided, no officer, teacher or other employee of
the University holding a permanent post, shall be reduced in rank, or removed
or compulsorily retired from service, unless he has been given a reasonable
opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to be taken against
25. Appeal to, and review by the Board.---(l) Where an order
is passed punishing an employee (other than Vice-Chancellor) of the University,
or altering or interpreting to his disadvantage the prescribed terms or
conditions of his service, he shall, where the order passed by the Vice-Chancellor
or any other officer or teacher of the University, have the right to appeal to
the Board, against the order, and, where the order is made by the Board, have
the right to apply to that authority for review of that order.
(2) The appeal or application for review shall be submitted
to the Vice-Chancellor who shall lay it before the Board with his views and
record of the case.
(3) No order in appeal or review shall be made unless the
appellant or the applicant, as the case may be, has been given an opportunity
of being heard.
26. Pension, Insurance, Gratuity, Provident Fund and
Benevolent Fund.---(1) The University shallconstitute for the benefit of its
employees in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed,
such pension, insurance, gratuity, provident fund schemes as it may deem fit.
(2) Where any provident fund has been constituted under this
Act, the provisions of the Provident Funds Act, 1925 shall apply to such fund
27. Commencement of term of office of members of Authorities.---When
a member of a newly constituted Authority is appointed or nominated, his term
of office, as fixed under this Act shall commence from such dates as may be
28. Filling of Casual Vacancies in Authorities. ---Any
casual vacancy among the appointed or nominated members of any Authority shall
be filled as soon as conveniently may be, possible by the person or the body
who appointed or nominated the member whose place has become vacant, and the
person appointed or nominated to the vacancy shall be a member of such
Authority for the residue of the term for which the person whose place he fills
would have been a member:---
Provided that where a vacancy in the membership of an
Authority, other than the Board, cannot be filled for the reason that the
member was ex officio, and the office has ceased to exist or the organization,
institution or other body other than the University has ceased to exist or has
ceased to function, or for any other circumstances which make it impracticable
to fill the vacancy, the vacancy shall be filled in such manner as
the Chancellor may direct on the recommendation.
the Chancellor may direct on the recommendation.
29. Disputes about membership of Authorities. ---(I)
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, a person nominated or appointed
to any Authority shall cease to be a member of such Authority as soon as he has
ceased to hold the position by virtue of which he was nominated or appointed.
(2) If a question arises whether any person is entitled to
be a member of any Authority, the matter shall be referred to a Committee
consisting of the Vice-Chancellor, the Chief Justice of the High Court Sindh or
the Judge of the High Court who is the member of the Board and a nominee of the
Chancellor, and the decision of the Committee shall be final and binding.
30. Proceedings of the Authorities invalidated by
vacancies.---No act, proceeding, resolution or decision of any Authority shall
be invalid by reason only of any vacancy or defect in the constitution of, or
in the appointment or nomination of any member of the Authority.
31. First Schedule.--- Notwithstanding anything contained in
this Act, the Statutes set out in the Schedule, shall be deemed to be the
Statutes framed under section 19 and shall remain in force until they are
amended or replaced by new Statutes framed in accordance with this Act.
32. Bar of Jurisdiction.--- No court shall have jurisdiction
to entertain any proceeding, grant any injunction or make any order in relation
to anything done in good faith or purported to have been done or intended to be
done under this Act.
33. Indemnity.--- No suit or legal proceedings shall lie
against Government, the University or any Authority or an employee of
Government or the University or any person, in respect of anything which is
done, or purported to have been done in good faith or is intended to or has
been done under this Act.
34. Affiliation of certain institutes.--- Notwithstanding
anything contained in this Act the following institutes shall stand affiliated
to the University, and shall continue as such until disaffiliated in accordance
with the prescribed conditions:---
(a) Institute of Business
Administration ;
(b) Institute of Computer
(c) Institution of Dental Surgery;
(d) Institute of Biotechnology
and Bioengineering;
(e) Institute of Electronics
and Computer Sciences; and
(f) Institute of Engineering .
35. Discipline. --- The University shall have power to
supervise and control the discipline of the students, staff and faculty of the
University and institutes in the prescribed manner.
36. Removal of difficulties. --- If any difficulty arises as
to the first constitution or reconstitution of any Authority upon coming into
force of this Act or otherwise in giving effect to any provision of this Act
the Chancellor may give appropriate directions to remove such difficulty.
37. Repeal.--- The Greenwich University Ordinance, 1997 is
hereby repealed.
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