Saturday, 31 January 2015


Government of the Punjab
Agriculture Department
Dated Lahore, the 1981
No. SO(Mech) 1-6/80. In exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 14 of the OnFarm Water Management and Water User’s Association Ordinance, 1981 (V of 1981), the Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following rules namely:-

1.               (a)        These rules may be called the Water Users’ Associations Rules, 1981.
(b)       They shall come into force at once.
2.               In these rules, unless subject or context otherwise requires:-
(a)             “Ordinance” means the On-Farm Water Management and Water Users
Association Ordinance 1981.
(b)             The words and expressions used but not defined in the rules shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the ordinance.
3.               An Association of the irrigators of a watercourse which is desirous of having it registered as Water Users Association under the Ordinance shall make an application to the Field Officer of the area for registration on a form in Annexure ‘A’, or a translation thereof in Urdu.
4.               Where an Association has fulfilled the requirements for registration laid down in the Ordinance and the Rules the Field Officer shall issue a certificate of registration to the association in form given in Annexure ‘B’
5.               The Field Officer shall maintain a record of the Applications received by him and shall also maintain a register in the form given in Annexure ‘C’, showing particulars of the various certificates or registration issued by him.
6.               An Association may adopt the standard bylaws given in Chapter III but where an Association does not adopt the standard by-laws, the by-laws framed by it shall not be inconsistent with the Ordinance or the Rules. The question whether the by-laws of an Association are inconsistent with the Ordinance or the Rules be decided by the Field Officer and his decision shall be final.
7.               An Association intending to make any amendment in its bylaws shall pass a resolution in accordance with its bye-laws and shall send a copy thereof to the Field Officer for his approval.
8.               If the amendment in the by-laws is approved, the same shall be registered by the Officer and the Association shall be informed accordingly.
9.               An amendment in the by-laws shall not be effective unless it is approved by the Field Officer.
10.            In addition to any other functions which may be performed under its bye-laws, an Association may perform the following functions:-
(i)               improve, rehabilitate, operate, reconstruct & maintain the watercourses;
(ii)             improve sub-soil or surface water supply.
(iii)           install, own, operate and maintain tubewells and lift pumps;
(iv)            upgrade and maintain farm ditches and field outlets;
(v)             encourage adoption of improved on farm water use and management practices and other improved land and agricultural input practices;
(vi)            participate in programmes to improve watercourses, land levelling and agronomic practices, and to lease, own, operate and maintain equipment, structures and other matters associated with improvement efforts;
(vii)          arrange labour for emergency repair of watercourses: and
(viii)        remove obstructions in watercourses during realignment, operation and maintenance.
11.            (1) The Field Officer may at any time require in writing the president of an association within his jurisdiction to call a special meeting of the general body of the Association to consider such matter as may be specified by him in the requisition.
(2)             Within seven days of the receipt of the requisition under sub rule (1) the president of Association shall call the special meeting of the general body.
12.            (1) An Association shall keep and maintain uptodate the following books and registers;
(i)                                                                                Register of members;
(ii)                                                                              Cash Accounts Register;
(iii)                                                                            Store register;
(iv)                                                                             Minutes Book for recording the proceedings of the general meeting;
(v)                                                                              Minutes Book for recording the proceedings of the
Managing Committee; and
(vi)                                                                             Such other registers and books as may from time to time be required by the Field Officer.
(2)             The account register and other books of an association shall be kept in the office of the Association.
13.            (1) The following books, registers and record in respect of the Water Users Associations maintained in the office of the Field Officer shall be open to inspection by any person on payment of the inspection fee of Rs.5/-.
(i)                                                            application for registration of Associations:
(ii)                                                          copies of certificates or registration issued to the Associations;
(iii)                                                        the register of registered Association;
(iv)                                                         bye-laws of the Associations and amendments thereof;
(v)                                                          record relating to the order for winding up of the affairs of an association;
(vi)                                                         record relating to the order canceling the registration of an
Association; and
(vii)                                                       the store and stock registers of material issued to the
(2) Certified copies of the record mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall be given by the Field Officer on payment of fee as under:-
(i)               Certificate of Registration; and         Rs.5.00
(ii)             other documents, at the following rates:
(a)             upto 200 words; and Rs.2.00
(b)             every additional 100 words of          Rs.1.00
fraction thereof.
14.            (1) For every financial year ending 30th June, an Association shall prepare annual accounts and balance sheet showing:-
(a)                                                                         the income and expenditure of the Association;
(b)                                                                         the receipt and consumption of materials; and
(c)                                                                          the assets and liabilities as on 30th June of that year.
(2)   The accounts and the balance sheet shall be in such forms as may be specified by the Field Officer.
(3)   The accounts and the balance sheet shall be submitted to the Field Officer before the 30th September following the financial year concerned.
15.            The accounts of an Association shall be audited by an Auditor nominated by the Field Officer. A copy of the audit note shall be forwarded to the Association by the Field Officer for such action as may be required by him and the Association shall comply with such direction as may be issued to it by the Field Officer in this respect.


( Muhammad Pervez Masud ) Secretary to Government of the Punjab, Agri. Deptt.
No.SO (Mech) 1-6/80 Dated Lahore, the  7-10-1981.
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:-
1.                                                                           The Chairman Planning & Development Board, Government of Punjab,
2.                                                                           The Secretary, Government of Punjab, Board of Revenue, Lahore.
3.                                                                           The Secretary, Government of Punjab, finance Department, Lahore.
4.                                                                           The Director General Agriculture, (Water Management), Punjab, Lahore.
5.                                                                           The Director (Field), Water Management Programme, Lahore.
6.                                                                           The Superintendent Government Printing Press, Lahore for publication in
the official gazette.
Government of the Punjab,

Agriculture Department


1.               Name:- The name of the Association shall be ……………………………….…
………………………………………………………. of outlet No.
……………………………………….. of Chak No. / Mauza ……………………………
2.               Registered Office:. The Registered office of the Association shall be situated at Chak
3.               Objects:. The objects of the Association shall be to reconstruct. Maintain and improve the watercourses; to improve sub-soil or surface water supply and to improve on-farm water management.
4.               Functions:- For the achievement of its objects, the Association may perform the following functions:-
(i)         improve, rehabilitate, operate, reconstruct and maintain the watercourses; (ii)       improve sub-soil or surface water supply.
(iii)           install, own, operate and maintain tubewells and lift pumps;
(iv)            upgrade and maintain farm ditches and field outlets;
(v)             encourage adoption of improved on farm water use and management
practices and other improved land and agricultural input practices;
(vi)            participate in programmes to improve watercourses, land levelling and agronomic practices, and to lease, own, operate and maintain equipment, structures and other matters associated with improvement efforts;
(vii)          arrange labour for emergency repair of watercourses; and
(viii)        remove obstructions in watercourses during realignment, operation and maintenance.
5.               Membership:. Every irrigator of a watercourse who is jointly responsible with other for the reconstructions, maintenance and improvement of a watercourse or jointly making use of the watercourse with others shall be eligible to be a member of the Association;
Provided that no person who is less than eighteen years of age or has been adjudged by a competent court to be of unsound mind shall be eligible to be a member of the Association.
6.               Application or Membership:. Application for membership shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by a membership fee of Rs.5, which shall be non-refundable and an amount of Rs…………being the value of one share of the Association.
7.               Capital:- The Capital shall consist of:-
(1)             membership fees;
(2)             share capital; and
(3)             grants from Government or other agencies.
8.               Termination of Membership:- The membership shall terminate:-
(1)             on the death of a member, or
(2)             on his becoming ineligible to be member.
9.               General Meeting:- The supreme authority of the Association shall vest in the general body, a meeting of which shall be held at lest twice a year with an interval of not more than six months at the registered office of the Association. At least 15 days notice shall be given by general proclamation specifying the date, time and place of the meeting.
10.            Special General Body Meeting:- (1) One-third of the members of the Association may at any time make a request in writing to the President to call a special meeting of the general body to consider the matter specified in the requisition.
(2) On receiving the requisition under sub-para (1) the President shall call special meeting of the General body within seven days of the receipt of the requisition for the purpose.
11.            Business which shall be transacted in a general meeting:- The following matters shall not be decided without approval in a general meeting:-
(i)               amendment of by-laws;
(ii)             election, suspension and removal of office bearers and members of Managing Committee;
(iii)           approval of schemes and projects or other functions to be undertaken by the Association.
(iv)            Consideration of the audit and inspection notes; and
(v)             Consideration of all account matters and approval of budget; and
12.            Managing Committee:- The business of the Association shall be carried on through a Managing Committee comprising not less than 5 and not more than 9 members elected by the general body including following office bearers;
a.     President;
b.     Vice-President;
c.      Secretary; and
d.     Treasurer
All the members of the Managing Committee and the office bearers shall be honorary. They shall hold office for a period of three years.
13.            Cessation to hold office:- An office bearer or a member of the Managing Committee shall cease to hold office on the termination of his membership or on his not attending three consecutive meetings without reasonable cause or on his resigning his office.
14.            Meetings of Managing Committee:- A meeting of the Managing Committee shall be held at least once in a month. The quorum for such a meeting shall be half of the Members of the Managing committee.
15.            Resignation:- The President, Secretary or other office bearer of the Association or a member of Managing committee may resign his office by tendering resignation in writing.
16.            Vote of no-confidence:- The President, Secretary or any other office bearer or member of the Managing Committee shall vacate office if a vote of no-confidence is passed against him by two-third majority of the total number of members of the Association in a special general body meeting called for the purpose.
17.            President:- The President shall preside over the meeting and exercise the following powers:-
(i)               pass bills, vouchers, receipts due for payment by the Association;
(ii)             supervise the maintenance or proper and uptodate accounts and register of members;
(iii)           issue or authenticate all order in the name of the Association.
18.            Vice-President:- The Vice-President shall assist the President and in the absence of the President preside over the meetings and perform such other functions as may be entrusted to him by the President or the Association from time to time.
19.            Secretary:- The Secretary shall work under the supervision of the President. He shall call meetings as and when directed by the President according to the by-laws and look after the office work of the Association. He shall maintain record of all the meetings and keep the register of members uptodate. He shall place all papers before the President and deal with them as directed by the President.
20.            Treasurer:- The Treasurer shall be responsible to maintain all the registers of accounts uptodate. He will receive all moneys for and on behalf of the Association and give receipts. He will make payments against vouchers, bills duly passed by the President. He will be responsible for the safer custody of the banks cheque book, deposit and withdrawals from the bank. He will prepare and draw up the annual balance sheet, statement of profit or loss and all other financial statements.
21.            Money:- All moneys received for and on behalf of the Association shall be deposited in a scheduled bank approved by the Managing Committee. The bank account shall be operated jointly by the President and the Treasurer.
22.            Audit:- The accounts of the Association shall be audited once a year by an auditor appointed by the Field Officer.
23.            Liquidation:- The Association shall be liquidated by the order of the Field Officer in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance.
24.            Amendment in by-laws:- The by-laws of the Association may be amended by means of a resolution passed by not less than two-third of the members of the Association at present at the general meeting called for the purpose.


This agreement made this…………… of……………….. between the under mentioned water users of Moga No…….……….…………...Chak No………………………
Tehsil…………...….District…………………. hereinafter called the water users which terms shall include their successors and assigns, the party of the First Part, and the Governor of the Punjab acting through the Field Officer (Water Management), Agriculture Department, Government of the Punjab (hereinafter called the Field Officer which term shall include his successors and assigns) the party of the Second Part.
Witnesseth as follows:
Whereas the Water Users want the reconstruction/improvement of their
watercourse of the Moga mentioned above to be done by the Field Officer and the Field Officer has agreed to carry out the job entrusted to him.
Now, therefore, the parties have entered into this agreement on the following
terms and conditions:-
1.               The Field Officer will prepare a design of the proposed watercourse and other incidental or allied constructions and also work out an estimate of cost of the material that is likely to be used on the Project. The Field Officer will provide the Water Users, free of cost, necessary technical advice and other help that may be needed for the reconstruction/improvement of the watercourse.
2.               The total cost of material to be used in the Project as per approved design shall be borne initially by the Field Officer but on the completion of the Project one-fourth or as the case may be of this amount shall be payable by and realiseable from the Water Users. The share of the Water Users shall be deposited by them along with the land revenue/abiana. In the event of the failure of any water user to pay his share in the manner and within the time specified by the Field Officer, a penalty equivalent to five percent per annum shall be payable by the Water User till amount is fully paid or recovered.
3.               Before the commencement of the job the Water Users shall, within the time specified by the Field Officer, demolish the existing watercourse, and remove in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Field Officer all trees, shrubs, sarkandas, silt etc. that may be standing or lying on the watercourse. The new watercourse shall then be constructed by the Water Users in accordance with the design provided by the Field Officer or his representative and the instructions given to them by him or his staff. After completion of all the earthen improvement, Nakkas and culverts shall be constructed first of all and then the earthen improvement, and then the permissible and necessary length of lining will be carried out.
4.               The mesons and other labour required for the Project shall be arranged and provided by the Water Users who shall also be liable to pay their wages.
5.               Cement and Nakkas required for construction/improvement of the watercourse, shall be transported by the Water Users from Government stores to site of work at their own cost, while transportation of bricks and sand upto the approachable site on the watercourse shall be arranged by the Government. The Water Users shall be responsible for carrying material from village stores to sites of works and to arrange the carriage and delivery back to the Government stores, of the material that may be left over, after the completion of the Project.
6.               The Water Users shall organize a Water Users Association which shall be registered by the Field Officer or his representative. The Water Users shall elect an Executive committee, as specified in the On Farm Water Management and Water Users Association (Amendment) Ordinance, 2001, which shall deal with the Field Officer or his representative in the execution of the job and shall perform the following functions:-
(a)                                                               arrange and provide labour and to take work out of them;
(b)                                                               settle all matters of disputes between various Water Users in respect of the delineation of the watercourse, fixation of Nakkas, distribution of the quota of work etc;
(c)                                                                to make alternate arrangement for the passage of water during
the period the watercourse is being reconstructed/improved;
(d)                                                               to fix quota of work or provision of labour in proportion to the
land holding/wara-bandi of the various water users;
(e)                                                               to carry out works according to standards and specifications
under the technical supervision of Water Management Field Staff;
(f)                                                                to safe guard the watercourse materials supplied to them and to keep and maintain proper record of materials received and utilized on the watercourse construction on proper register; and
(g)                                                               to look after and to arrange for periodic cleaning, maintenance and repair of the watercourse after its reconstruction.
7.               The Field Officer or any of his subordinates shall not be responsible for any damage to crops, implements or other materials nor shall be liable for any loss or compensation to any person suffering any injury or damage during the reconstruction/improvement of the watercourse.
8.               Any dispute or difference of opinion in this regard that arises between the Water Users remains unresolved shall be decided by the Field Officer and his decision shall be final. 9. The names and other particulars of the Water Users are as follows:1.
by the Field Officer
Signed by the Water Users.
1 ……………………………………
2 ……………………………………
3 ……………………………………
4 ……………………………………
5 ……………………………………


1.               Name of the Association       __________________
2.               Address of the Registered Office _______________ __________________________________________
3.               Particulars of the watercourse concerned.
4.               Share capital, if any  _________________________
5.               Names of the office bearers: __________________ President            ________________________
Vice-President ________________________
Secretary      _________________________
Treasurer        ________________________
6.               Names of the members of __________________
the Managing Committee     __________________ __________________
Total No. of members
Total No. of irrigators
Signature of President
(i)               Copy of the by-laws.

(ii)             List of members with full particulars and signatures.
(iii)           List of all the irrigators on the watercourse.
Certified that ………………………………………………………………………………………….
( name of the Association with its registered office) ………………………………………………
has been registered as a Water Users Association under the On-Farm Water Management and Water Users Associations Ordinance, 1981 amended on 2001.
Given under my hand and seal, this………………………………………………..
day of…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Field Officer
On Farm Water Management

Name of the Association
Registered Address
Particulars of the watercourse concerned
capital. if any
Total No. of
Total No. of irrigators on the
Date of registration
No. of
Certificate issued



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