Wednesday, 7 October 2015



NO.PAS/Legis-B-36/2014-The Sindh School Education Standards and Curriculum Bill, 2014 having been passed by the Provincial Assembly of Sindh on 10th December, 2014 and assented to  by  the  Governor of  Sindh  on  7t January, 2015  is  hereby  published as  an  Act  of  the Legislature of Sindh.




to provide for maintenance of school education standards and supervision of curriculum, textbooks, and assessment process for improving quality of education from early years to grade twelve in the Province of Sindh.

Preamble.  WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the maintenance of school education standards, reflecting the learning needs of 21sCentury, through supervision of research based curriculum, textbook and learning material, assessment, and evaluation;

AND WHEREAS it is vital to improve the quality of textbooks, learning materials, assessment and teaching practices to attain minimum school education standards;

AND WHEREAS to develop capacity of the agencies and promote good governance across school education for maximizing student’s learning outcomes through conducive learning environment:

it is hereby enacted as follows:-

1.Short title and Commencement.(1) This Act may be called the Sindh School Education Standards and Curriculum Act, 2014.

(2) It shall extend to the whole of the Province of Sindh.

(3)  It shall come into force at once.

2.Definitions.          In this Act,  unless there is anything repugnant in the subject  or context -

(a)   “agency means any department, institution or organization or  directorate or  bureau of  Government    and  includes  a corporation or other autonomous or semi-autonomous body set up under the law or by Government;

(b) “assessment”  means  to  evaluate  students  learning outcomes;

(c)   “conducive   learning   environment”   means    learning environment  that facilitates  in effective implementation of curriculum            for    raising    education    standards    through developing students’ learning skills for 21st century;

(d)   “Council” means the Council established under section 5;

(e)   “curriculum means  the  guideline  for  preparing  syllabi, scheme of studies, textbook and learning materials, teaching methodologies and assessment practices as may be determined by Government from time to time;

(f)    “curriculum framework”  means to ensure curriculum goals, learning or subject areas, standards, benchmarks and student learning       outcomes    development,    implementation    and evaluation to attain school education standards;

(g)   “Curriculum Wing” means the Curriculum Wing established by Government under this Act;

(h)   “early year” means the provision of education for children of the age from three to five years;

(i)    “Government” means the Government of Sindh;

(j)    “institutions”   means   institutions   dealing   with   school education in accordance with the curriculum and such other educational establishments as    Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, specify for the purpose of this clause;

(k)   “learning  material”   means  additional  resource  material which   supports  in   the   attainment   of   student  learning outcomes for a specific subject at a particular level;

(l)    “prescribed” means prescribed by rules or regulations;

(m)  “quality means the education which enables all learners to reach  their  potential in  terms  of  cognitive, psychomotor, social, emotional, critical, creative and problem solving capacities;

(n)   “regulation” means the regulations made under this Act; (o)   “rules” means the rules made under this Act;
(p)   “school education” means early years to grade twelve;

(q)   “standards” means education standards for school education to achieve student learning outcomes at each grade level in all subject areas in accordance with curriculum;

(r)    “textbook” means the learning material which is either in print or  in  electronic form, developed and maintained in accordance with the curriculum for a specific grades and subjects competent authority;

3.Establishment of Curriculum Wing and its functions. (1) There shall be established a Curriculum Wing by Government for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

(2) The Curriculum Wing shall be responsible for policy matters relating to curriculum, textbooks and learning materials and assessment.

(3) The Curriculum Wing shall be headed by an officer designated by Government who shall be of proven academic and professional ability and with significant contribution to policy, research, curriculum, assessment and education as a whole.

(4) The Curriculum Wing shall report to Education Department and shall  work  closely  with  the  agencies  dealing  with  the  curriculum, textbooks and learning materials and assessment. It shall -

(a)  provide guidelines for developing education standards;

(b) frame  policy  on  curriculum,  assessment,  textbooks  and learning materials;

(c)  ensure alignment between education standards, curriculum, assessment, textbooks, and learning material;

(d) provide  guidelines  for  periodical  review,  evaluation  and revision of curriculum and instructional material;

(e)  certify curriculum, textbook and learning material submitted by relevant educational institutions;

(f)  establish  an  effective  coordination mechanism to  promote formal links between institutions for sharing expertise, experience and relevant resources for improving quality of education;

(g) design capacity building strategies to strengthen the agencies or institutions under the administrative control of Education and Literacy Department;

(h) provide guidelines for  research on  curriculum, assessment and related elements of quality of education;

(i)  advise on the facilities, equipment and instructional materials to support the curriculum implementation.

(5)   The existing Bureau of Curriculum and Extension Wing shall be restructured as Directorate of Curriculum, Assessment and Research with its enhanced institutional capacity, it shall:-
(a) devise school education standards in line with guidelines provided by Curriculum Policy Wing of the Education and Literacy Department;

(b) commission  evidenced-based  research  to   inform  policy, curriculum design, development and  review, textbook and learning material development, and assessment of or for learning;

(c) develop, implement and evaluate curriculum by working closely with Sindh Textbook Board, Directorates of School Education and other related departments;

(d) review textbooks and learning material for alignment with the school education standards and curriculum goals;

(e)  conduct students’ achievement tests at grade 3, 5 and 8;

(f)  promote continuous assessment of students learning across all school levels.

(6)   The Provincial Institute of Teacher Education (PITE) shall be responsible   for   implementing   pre-service   teacher   education   and continuous professional development programmes based on school education standards and curriculum for developing professionally competent teachers, teacher educators, and head teachers. The PITE shall be  responsible for  academic supervision of  teacher education programmes, whereas all constituent teacher education institutes as well as PITE shall work under the administrative control of Education and Literacy Department.

(7) The Sindh Teacher Education Development Authority (STEDA) shall certify and accredit teacher education programmes and ensure the quality  of  both  pre  and  in-service  teacher  education  programmes  to prepare professionally competent teachers to teach curriculum effectively. It shall also be responsible for teacher licensing for promoting culture of professionalism among teachers.

(8) The Sindh Textbook Board shall further be strengthened as an effective regulating and monitoring authority to improve efficiency in managing authorship, production, copyrights, printing, and distribution of textbooks and learning materials in a timely manner by
(a) ensuring  performance  and  service  standards  at  every stage of textbook and learning material supply chain processes;
(b) outsourcing textbook and learning material development and production as packages in a transparent and competitive manner;
(c) using    education    management    information    system supported   technological   innovation in   the   timely delivery and tracking of textbooks and learning materials
down to classroom level.

(9)   The Directorates of School Education through their District Education  Officers  shall  monitor  implementation  of  curriculum  and gather  relevant  information  on  the  attainment  of  school  education standards and report to the Education and Literacy Department in a timely manner.

(10) The Education and Literacy Department shall strengthen the institutional capacity of the agencies, under its administrative control,

responsible for carrying out the objectives of this Act.

4. Establishment  of Sindh Curriculum Council and its Functions   (1)The  Government shall,  by  notification  in  the  official  Gazette, establish a Council to be called the Sindh Curriculum Council for the effective implementation of this Act.

(2) The Council shall -

(a)  advice   on   framing   school   educational   standards   and developing strategies;
(b) advice on introducing research based curriculum which is relevant to local, national, and regional needs;
(c) formulate guiding principles, policies and priorities for development, implementation and evaluation of curriculum including textbooks and assessment within provincial, national, and global perspectives;
(d) ensure the maintenance of school education standards and supervision of curriculum according to the defined principles and policies; and
(e) review performance reports and future plans by relevant education agencies and provide constructive feedback.

5Composition and Constitution       (1) The Minister for Education shall be the Chairperson and the Education Secretary shall be the Vice-Chairperson of the Council. The Council shall consist of the following as members:

1 Chairperson of Standing Committee on Education of the                Member
Sindh Assembly.

2 Chairperson, Sindh Textbook Board.                                             Member
3 Director of Curriculum, Assessment and Research.                       Member
4 Director General, PITE                                                                Member
5 Executive Director, STEDA                                                         Member
6 One Chairperson of Examination Boards.                                      Member
7 Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Sindh.                           Member
8 Chief Programme Manager, RSU                                                  Member
9 Two Directors School Education.                                                  Member
10. One Experts on Curriculum, Textbook, and Assessment.                Member
11. One Representative from corporate sector.                                    Member
12. One Representative from private school management.                    Member
13. One Representative from an NGO working in Education.               Member
14. Serving Teachers ( two Head teachers and two Teachers).             Member
15. Head Curriculum Wing.                                                               Member/ Secretary                 

(2) The Council may co-opt any person as a  member for any particular purpose, but such person shall not have a right to vote.

(3) The non-official members of the Council shall hold office for a term of three years which shall be extendable for further one more term subject to performance of the non-official member.

6.Disqualification.(1)A person shall not  be  nominated or  continue as  member, if  the person-

(a)  is      or      has      ever      been      convicted      of      offence involving moral turpitude; or
(b) is or has ever been found guilty of misconduct;     or
(c)  is or has ever been declared to be of unsound mind by a court;
(d) is or has ever been adjudicated as an insolvent;     or
(e)  is  incapable of  discharging the  duties by  reason            of physical or mental infirmity and has been        declared by a Special Medical Board constituted by the Government; or
(f)  is an employee of the staff of the Council other       than the
Chair and Vice-Chair; or
(g) fails to disclose to the Council any conflict or     interest with the  Council  within  three  days  of    his  knowledge  of  the conflict of interest; or
(h) stands disqualified by the order of a court to  hold any public office; or
(i)  is or has ever been dismissed by Government.

(2)  A nominated member may at any time resign from his or her
office under his or her hand to the Chairperson.

7.Meetings of the Provincial Curriculum Council. (a)   The meetings of the Council shall be held as often as necessary on such date, place and time as the Chairperson may determine; provided that the Council shall meet atleast once in quarter.

(b) The quorum may call a meeting of the Council in relation to the functions of the Council.

(c)    For  the  purpose  of  the  meeting,  fifty  percent  members  shall constitute a quorum.

8.Penalty.    Whoever contravenes or violates the provision of this Act,  shall be punishable with imprisonment, which may extend to  six months, or with fine which shall not be less than forty five thousand rupees, or both, in addition to any other penalty to which he or she may liable under any other law for the time being in force.

9.Cognizance of Offence    No court shall take cognizance of an offence unless a complaint made by Government or its authorized officer in this behalf.

10Jurisdiction of Court.        No  court  below  the  Court  of  Judicial  Magistrate  shall  take cognizance of an offence under section under this Act except upon a
complaint in writing made by the Competent Authority.

11.Appeal. Any person, aggrieved by a direction or order of the  Council, may, within thirty days of communication of the direction or order, prefer an appeal to Government, whose decision in the matter shall be final.

12.Indemnity.    No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against any person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done in
the pursuance of this Act or any rule or order made there under.

13.Power to make rules. Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

14.Regulations.   Subject to the Act and the rules, the Competent Authority may, with/ on  the  recommendation of  the  Provincial  Curriculum Council,  frame regulations for giving effect to the provisions of the Act and the rules.

15.Removal of difficulty.     If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of this  Act,  Government  may  give  such  directions  as  it  may  consider
necessary for the removal of such difficulty.

16.Repeal and savings.   (a) The provisions of the Federal Supervision of Curricula, Textbook and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act, 1976 (X of 1976) to the extent of the Province of Sindh are hereby repealed.
(b)  Notwithstanding  the  repeal  of  the  Federal  Supervision  of Curricula, Textbooks and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act,1976 (X of 1976), anything done, proceedings or action taken, order or rule made, liability incurred or right acquired under the said Act, so far as it is consistent with the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed to have been done, taken, made, incurred or acquired under this Act.



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